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What To Do If You Suffer An Accident When On Holiday Abroad

Holidays are often the most anticipated part of the year. Relaxing, having fun and getting to experience new things are the perfect antidote to your busy life. 

Sometimes, however, things don’t always go to plan. Accidents abroad are incredibly stressful and hard to navigate. Dealing with foreign healthcare systems and procedures can be a huge challenge. Here are some things to bear in mind if you suffer an accident when on holiday. 

The immediate aftermath of the accident

Seeking medical attention should be your immediate priority. If you are injured within a resort or attraction then locate an on-site first aider for a quick assessment. They will be able to handle arranging an ambulance or additional treatment depending on the injury.

Once medical care has been taken care of, start documenting and reporting everything that has happened. This could include informing hotel staff, your holiday representative or even the local police. 

Whilst you are reporting the incident, make sure to take any photos to support your report. This could be a picture of an uneven flagstone or unsafe railing. If you are in a road traffic accident, be sure to take photos of any vehicles involved and the damage sustained to them. Don’t forget to document any injuries sustained as well. 

Documenting your injuries is an ongoing process. Remember to gather any evidence of medical procedures, doctor’s appointments and hospital consultations. This will help to prove the extent and impact of your injury on your life. 

Understanding your rights

There are many avenues that you may be able to go down when it comes to your rights after an accident on holiday. 

Insurance is essential when you are travelling and an accident highlights exactly how useful it is. Your policy will be full of legal wording and caveats that can be difficult to appreciate when you are stressed after an injury. Seek legal advice to help you understand exactly what you are entitled to. 

Claiming against your tour operator may also be an option, and package holidays mean you may be able to utilise English law which will make the process easier. Local laws, however, are more likely to be applicable if the accident happened on a boat or excursion. Be sure to speak to a local expert for advice. 

Making a claim 

Making a personal injury claim against a negligent company or situation may be your best chance at compensation for your accident. 

Start by contacting a solicitors firm that has expertise with holiday claims. They will be able to guide you through the process whilst making you feel comfortable.

The documentation process is integral at the point of making a claim. Remember to send your representative everything you have. They will be able to look through it and advise if there is anything else they require to strengthen your case. 

Although it can be a long process, making a successful claim will help ease any financial pressures and ensure your injury is taken seriously. 

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