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Top Destinations That Appeal To Uk Backpackers

Backpacking is a rite of passage for many young Brits, offering a chance to explore the world on a budget while meeting fellow travellers and experiencing diverse cultures. 

The easing of visa requirements in certain countries and the increase in flight options have further fuelled this wanderlust. Here, we explore some of the top destinations that appeal to UK backpackers, focusing on Australia, Peru, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.


Australia remains a perennial favourite among British travellers thanks to its laid-back lifestyle, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities. From the iconic Sydney Opera House and Great Barrier Reef to the vast Outback and beautiful beaches, there’s no shortage of sights to see and adventures to embark on.

Visa Requirements: UK citizens can apply for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) or an Australia eVisitor visa, both of which allow stays of up to three months. For those looking to extend their stay, a Working Holiday visa is a popular option, allowing up to 12 months in the country with the opportunity to work and fund further travel. 


Peru is a dream destination for backpackers, offering rich history, diverse ecosystems, and the chance to trek to the legendary Machu Picchu. The allure of the Amazon rainforest, the ancient city of Cusco, and the stunning landscapes of the Sacred Valley make it a must-visit.

Visa Requirements: You can stay in Peru with a British passport for up to 30 days without applying for a visa. This generous allowance makes it easy for backpackers to fully explore the country without the need for complicated applications. If you want longer to explore this country, you can apply for an extended visa.


Thailand, known for its vibrant street life, tropical beaches, and rich cultural heritage, has long been a backpacker haven. The bustling city of Bangkok, the serene temples of Chiang Mai, and the idyllic islands of the south offer a diverse array of experiences.

Visa Requirements: As long as the visit is for tourism, you can stay in Thailand without a visa for up to 30 days. If you’re planning to stay longer, a tourist visa allows for a stay of up to 60 days and can be extended once for an additional 30 days. 

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, with its stunning beaches, lush tea plantations, and ancient ruins, is quickly becoming a top choice for Brits. The island nation offers a mix of adventure and relaxation, with opportunities for surfing, wildlife safaris, and cultural exploration.

Visa Requirements: You must apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) before arrival, which allows a stay of up to 30 days. This can be extended for up to six months once in the country.

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