

Following large-scale renovation works at the Palais de la Porte Dorée, the Musée National de l’His- toire de l’Immigration (National Museum of the History of Immigration) will be reopening its perma- nent gallery in a fully redesigned area, featuring a more evolutionary learning-centred approach and integrating recent research on immigration in France.

The New National Museum of the History of Immigration is set to open in Paris on 17th June 2023, and it promises to make a significant contribution to the study of immigration history not just in France but around the world.

The museum’s focus is on the history of immigration to France and the impact it has had on the country and its people. Through exhibits, interactive displays, and educational programs, visitors will be able to explore the complex and varied experiences of immigrants in France throughout history.

Exhibits including archives, photographs, paintings, sculptures, posters, life stories, contemporary art creations and digital presentations for visitors of all ages are on display at the new museum, enabling visitors to learn about and gain insights into this essential part of French identity.

But the museum’s contribution extends beyond France. Through its exhibits and research programs, it will also serve as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and anyone interested in the history of immigration globally. By highlighting the role that immigration has played in shaping societies and cultures around the world, the museum will help foster a greater appreciation for the rich diversity that exists in our interconnected world.

The museum’s significance lies in its ability to shed light on a topic that is often overlooked or ignored in mainstream historical narratives. By showcasing the stories of immigrants and their contributions to French society, the museum aims to challenge stereotypes and promote greater understanding and empathy towards this often marginalized group.

The new Museum beautifully illustrates the progress of research into the history of immigration in France, tying it in more than ever with the major issues of contemporary society. It aims to make the history of immigration a central element of the nation’s history, helping to acknowledge this history and fuel further reflection.

The museum promises to be an exciting and essential addition to the cultural landscape of Paris and a vital resource for anyone interested in the history of immigration and its impact on our world today.

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