

How Can I Stay Entertained While Solo Travelling?

Solo travelling is a wonderful way to see the world. You won’t be held back by other people’s finances, work schedules or location preferences, giving you the freedom to do as you please while perusing the globe.

Almost two in ten travellers in 2023 went on holiday alone, which is around three times more than in 2011. The rising popularity means more people will be going on these getaways in the future, so knowing how to navigate them is important.

One part of solo travel that isn’t always thought about is staying entertained during downtime. Whether that’s waiting to catch your flight or winding down before bed after a day exploring the exotic location you’re staying in.

Our guide will look at some of the easiest ways to keep entertained while solo travelling. Read on to find out more.

Online gaming

It’s easier than ever to play games while travelling thanks to advancements in mobile devices. You can enjoy online bingo while waiting for your transport, or dive into a story-based game when you’re without Wi-Fi.

Playing games online is a simple way to have fun and can usually be done as long as you have a smartphone.

Reading books

Books offer a sense of escapism and plenty of educational benefits. We think you should always take one travelling with you to keep you occupied.

You can choose an intriguing thriller or opt for non-fiction that teaches you about a topic you’re interested in.  Alternatively, read a foreign language dictionary to brush up on your speaking skills.

If reading isn’t your thing, why not listen instead? Audiobooks are typically available on streaming platforms like Spotify and make it easier to take in a fun story.

Watch movies or TV shows

Downloading movies and TV shows to watch while travelling is a great way to pass the time. Streaming services make it straightforward to do this and you can download them in minutes with a reliable internet connection.

Watching movies can drain your battery quickly, however, so make sure you pack a portable charger to give your device some extra power.

Do some exercise

If you find some downtime while travelling, consider doing some exercise to keep in shape.

Around one-third of travellers say they keep up with exercise routines while travelling and you can join them. Go for a walk around the local area, see if your accommodation has a gym or do some bodyweight exercises in your room.

There are plenty of ways to stay entertained while travelling alone, so you shouldn’t worry about being bored without company. Plus, there’ll be plenty of people in the area you’re staying to meet and become friends with.

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